DUI in KY and Ignition Interlock

Local Covington, KY attorney with decades of experience and personalized attention to your case

Photo of attorney Michael W. Bouldin

DUI in KY and Ignition Interlock

by | Jan 8, 2021 | CRIMINAL DEFENSE, DUI |

Having practiced criminal and DUI defense in Northern Kentucky for over 25 years, there have been a number of changes. Most recently, suspension periods for DUI laws in Kentucky changed drastically in July, 2020 with little fanfare.  The major change came with respect to suspensions and use of Ignition Interlock devices.

If you are charged with DUI and either refuse a breath/blood test or it is a 2nd or multiple offense, you will have a pretrial suspension of your license.  If the refusal is certified, that suspension will be a minimum of 180 days unless you have an ignition interlock.  If you are convicted of a second offense, refusal or high-tier offense, ignition interlock will be mandated in order to get your license.

The good thing about ignition interlock is that you can drive 24/7 so long as you have it installed and do not have alcohol in your system. Installation will also reduce your suspension from 180 to 120 days as well as reduce the suspension time for multiple offenses. The problems with interlock is that it is relatively costly (it will be about $500-600), cumbersome, takes filings and effort to have professionally installed, and reports to the County Attorney if you do attempt to drive while alcohol is in your system.

The biggest change is that Ignition Interlock is now handled exclusively through the Transportation Cabinet and without the Courts. If you need to apply for Ignition Interlock, follow this link: https://transportation.ky.gov/Organizational-Resources/Forms/TC%2094-175.pdf and send to [email protected].  

If you have questions, you should consult your attorney For more information and representation for DUI and other charges, contact Michael Bouldin at Bouldin Law Firm or call 859-581-6453 (581-MIKE) to schedule consultation.